
I read something on Tumblr from an otherkin, saying that she found Halloween to be triggering because of the vast appropriation of animal identities.

Madeleine, if you start researching into the world of otherkin you will find things you will never be able to unsee

Obama is Bilbo, because he tried, but now he is passing this shit on to somebody else and chilling with elves because he doesn’t give a shit anymore.

I know he’s not running anymore but can we cast Lindsey Graham as Galadriel? Can’t you just hear this speech in his molasses drawl:

Obama is fumbling around the cave and slips the Presidency into his pocket. Hillary: “My precious! Someone has stolen it!”

Hillary is clearly Gollum. The White House is her precious. She lived there once, then lost it and is obsessed with getting back in.

What exactly about the idea of a free, accessible and (originally) equal education available to all children regardless of class, race or religion do you object to?

Scholastic has released some of the best children’s books we have in our library. Classics.

House slaves and field slaves were practically two different strata of society within the slave class. The slaves that would be concerned with baking cakes for their owners weren’t typically the same slaves that were working the fields.

And in this case, I mean “White” as a mindset more than as a descriptor of the person doing the writing of that story.

Well yeah - if you free a bunch of people who didn’t want to be enslaved, but had room and board while enslaved, and then purposely make it nearly impossible for them to find decent work to support themselves, on some level they will miss the guaranteed room and board. It doesn’t mean they want to be slaves again or

So now a cutesy romp about the Jews helping a Nazi plan a picnic is probably a bad idea? I'm asking for a friend.

Eh-i think he’s a racist jerk but I don’t need to ruin anyone’s life. and when he drunkenly called me a spic (because I hadnt hooked up with him when he hit on me even though I was dating his friend and he had a girlfriend) he did applogize profusely later when sober with a lot of proclamations that he wasn’t racist.

I can see the point that young children aren’t necessarily ready to understand that...

I don’t think the author is racist, necessarily. The book is written by a woman of color, illustrated by a black woman, and edited by a black woman who won the Coretta Scott King prize for a book she herself wrote in 2013. I agree that the book is problematic, but I would hesitate to call its makers racist.

The strange relationship between slaves and their masters is a difficult topic because of the range of experiences. Of course there was abuse and brutality- there are plenty of first-person accounts documenting that. Yet there were also accounts from some slaves that did exhibit pride in their work and, strangely,

Comments like these blithely assume that all people consider slavery inuversally terrible, and a deeply shameful part of American history, but this isn’t the reality at all. There are politicians who talk about the good that slavery did for black people and black families (!!!), and George Washington in particular is

What in the fucking fuck is the point of your comment?

Does it make that annoying chiming sound to let you know it’s somewhere nearby even though the devs put it under a rock so that you can never actually grab it? If not, it’s not Nirnroot.