
This was an interesting article, but what I really want to know is how long must I wait for your Outlander recap?!?! THIS is my burning question on a Monday.

You're going to be demonized for even asking the question. Many don't care to acknowledge that police have a very dangerous job and there are plenty of people that wouldn't hesitate to kill them for doing that job. See: Josh Miktarian.

When will you be looking at more commenters to approve? I've been a dedicated member of the site (as have many others) but have never been approved despite many upvotes and all the like. I think if you switch back to this system, you have to start actively looking for new commenters to star or you have to REGULARLY

The thing is there's a difference between quietly going about your life and ordering regular things that are just grain free and making your own food accordingly, and never ever shutting the hell up about how things MUST BE gluten free.

I'm a chef, and people who play GF games for no reason make me want to fling them headfirst into the fryer. They are generally demanding dicks who are just DUMB about their food. "Do you guys have GF bread/croutons/crackers/babies/oxygen/chairs/restrooms?" Yes. "Okay, I want that. But I don't want the obviously-GF

Ehh, I'd go further — people who are ostentatiously ANYTHING about their diet tend to be horrible people. Pick your sub-group - it's always the loudest that are morons and ruining it for everyone else.

I understand your frustration but development and emplacement of regulations and regulatory oversight takes time and multiple review periods by experts, interested parties and the public, adding up to years. The ability of the govt to regulate advertising claims lags the advertising agencies' abilities to pick up on

just so you know, there is such a thing as a gluten allergy that is different from celiac. people have it. its different than people thinking that gluten free will make them skinnier or something like that. just like you can have a peanut allergy, you can have a gluten allergy. i do not have celiac. i do have a

We can make fun of the Gluten Free For No Goddamn Reason people all day long (ohhhhh, please let's).

As someone with celiac, I can say that's...extreme. I'm not saying he's lying! Celiac disease has literally thousands of potential symptoms and intestinal bleeding is very likely one of them. I've heard some terrible ones too (seizures, etc.) But most of us just do gross stuff in our bathroom and feel like we were hit

I hope restaurants follow this. I never knew how horrible Celiac disease was until a co-worker came in one Monday saying he was kinda sick from eating a lot at a restaurant with a supposedly gluten free menu. As he said, "it's not a big deal, though, just some intestinal bleeding. That's normal." THAT'S NORMAL, for

Uh... if there is 100,000 stray dogs and cats in Turkey, then those mice and rats don't stand a chance.

I know it's not a very nice opinion, but people who have sex in public are some of my least favorite people in public.

There's two approaches to this as a parent: either clean up or, if you really don't want to clean up, apologize and leave an even better tip. I didn't mind cleaning up after kids if their parents tipped better to make up for that.

It's not a bathroom story, but these remind me of one of my SO's worst restaurant experiences. He was a manager working at a nicer (20-30 an entree) bar/restaurant in a city known for it's older, wealthy population. At a table near the middle if the restaurant was an older man and his plastic, much younger gf, and

Little kids and restaurants bathrooms are a disaster zone.

And to finish off that thought, how about you just don't go in a restaurant if it is a half hr or less before closing, fifteen minutes for a fast food place. The people working will hate you, and you will make a mess of everything they have already cleaned.

This post just kinda reinforced my notions that people are assholes to people in the service industry. NOTE TO ASSHOLES: if you are the last table in the restaurant, it's time to go. Does not matter if you've been there for only 5 minutes and it's the anniversary of your first spit-swap. You are holding up a bunch of

What's worse than cake on the walls? Poop. What's worse than even poop on the walls? Poop in the shape of a swastika. Yes, the Poop Nazi struck many times during my stint at Barnes & Noble. As well as The Vomit Comet and the guy who would flash kids in the Children's Department.

I glanced upon this cake and thought 'yum, cake!.. I'm gonna hate cake forever after this installment, aren't I?'