
Maybe they thought “K/D ratio” or “KDR” would be too opaque? But the context makes it pretty clear, even if you know nothing else, that it’s related to a player’s stats in the game...

In Sailor Moon, I don’t know that it’s actually instantaneous—there’s several instances where when the transformation sequence is done, things around them have changed. (although I haven’t watched it for ages)

I came for the hot Scotsman, I stayed for the plot. The later books especially took some turns I did not see coming.

Same here, same here! I’m still excessively excited about it, but everybody was being so glum about it.

By far my favorite beaches! I spent at least a couple weeks every summer up Manistee way as a kid—we still head up to Sleeping Bear sand dunes at least once most summers.

Ocean coast, anyway... add in large lakes and it’d be a quite different story.

Yeah, that one’s... not really explained. In the books, either. Gabaldon says it’ll come out in the last book!

Ha, it took me far too long to remember who you meant. Forgot that he did show up in the show!

Such a huge “whaaaaa?” moment. Up to that point, I wasn’t even sure if there was going to be any more supernatural stuff aside from what had already happened to Claire.

As somebody who used to pirate comics (simmer down, I haven’t for years), it’ll definitely be within the day. And we’re talking high quality scans, too.

Ever read about the “metro dogs” in Moscow? They’ve figured out how to ride the subway on their own to get where they need to go.

I dunno if the book really explains it more... but in the books, it’s a sign of how much Jamie trusts her. She tells him “oh yeah, I’m a time traveler. From the future.” And he’s like, “that’s pretty crazy, but you aren’t a liar and you aren’t insane, so the only option is to believe you.”

I will so refrain from commenting...

Why would it be better to wear nothing as opposed to wearing a light fabric?

The book goes into a bit more detail... basically, she was a Scottish patriot, and kind of obsessed. It wasn’t that life in Scotland in the 60s was terrible or anything, she just wanted her country to be independent, and thought with her knowledge of the future + understanding of how to time travel she could influence

Kinda book spoilers, although it’s already been implied in the series, BUT:

The show had been off the air since 1989 at that point, however.

To be fair, the 90s movie was pretty awful, and Doctor Who still survived.

No way. I like the UP too much. :P

If you've ever looked at a map of Michigan, you've probably noticed that rather than being a straight line, the southern border has a jog in it.