Funny thing, word is Japan recently reworked gambling laws so that pachinko machines aren’t nearly as profitable as it used to be, which leaves Konami in a bit of a pinch, nervously looking back over it’s shoulder at all the gargantuan bridges it just burned...
...Actually, saying Konami burned bridges is kind of an…
“10 out of 10"
When can we get ‘If We Didn’t Fire Kojima Experience: Metal Gear Solid V’.
Well, time for the hunter to become...
Is there a man wearing an elephant mascot uniform in that level? Because if there is you need to steal those clothes and go and kill this guy.
He’s Hanjo.
It’d be cool if they could pit Nintendo franchise characters against Sonic characters in this dream game.
*squints really hard* Chrom?
*clicks link* girl Chrom?
A gold medal would be ideal, but it's still nice to finish number two.
What little dignity existed in this ridiculous sport is now completely gone.
Replace “Olympics” with “my first job” and “racewalk” with “reading the Arby’s employee Handbook” and the exact same thing happened to me.