Some of these names, I still remember.
Some of these names, I still remember.
Judge Kara Brown! loved Shade Court
I started reading Jez in 2009 and cannot believe that not only is it over, but in such a sad, muted way. You all are wonderful and have made many a shitty day better.
and shade court!
Calling a her a straight up terrorist has got to be defamation.
Hard to think of much more American than someone facing a censure vote for coming out strongly against slaughtering children and other innocent people.
I hope Tlaib hits Greene with a huge defamation lawsuit.
Hamas counts on that and ensures the death tolls will be high by intentionally placing strategic targets near or in schools, hospitals, residential blocks, etc on purpose, using the civilian population as human shields, and the inevitable bloodsheds that follow when Israel retaliates as propaganda. They place war…
Exactly this.
Incidentally here’s what I could find when I looked up “c-section without anasthesia”doesn’t seem like standard care to me.
“Israel is right to apply leverage.”
Stop swiping at Israel.
And globally, absolutely 0 f###s are given. If someone shows a scintilla of sympathy for the Palestinians, they get labeled ANTISEMITIC! Hamas are supposed to be the bad guys. Carpet bombing apartment blocks full of innocent people used to be considered a war crime. I guess this gets overlooked because there MIGHT be…
My sister and I were talking about the bombing of the refugee camp and I told her I thought Netanyahu knew the Hamas attack was coming at some point and did nothing so he’d have an excuse for the annihilation of Gaza, and she said she’d had the same thought.
When +8,300 people have been bombed to shit, most of them were civilians, half of them were children, and you’re rooting against a cease-fire, you’re the problem.
I will never stop being mad about this garbage woman now being synonymous with a superhero who is the antithesis of her real life persona.
You’d think watching the entire “it’s just satire guys!” strategy fall apart with PewDiePie would have taught ya’ll something, but apparently not. This is not what satire is. Being buddy-buddy with a bunch of alt-right figures is not satire. And fucking a Black woman no more makes you not-racist than fucking a woman…
“I think people have a misconception about what feminism is. People think hairy armpits and women who burn bras and hate men.”