As soon as I read “As soon as I read “men like Ansari and CK”” I knew this comment was written by a man.
As soon as I read “As soon as I read “men like Ansari and CK”” I knew this comment was written by a man.
He asked for consent every time.
I can’t come to your private place of businesses and record you against your will.
Close-up of Jon hugging a white Ikea rug with tears in his eyes. It’s not that hard.
They’re not records, though. It’s an unofficial entry in a diary that could have been written by anyone. There might be actual records but Sam doesn’t have any.
Or how all the dudes were in that party kissing Jon’s ass like he was the hero. He didn’t do dick in that battle. He’d be zombie dragon poo right now if Arya hadn’t stepped up.
Yeah. I was kinda hoping she was going to step out of the shadows and off Bronn to take his face while Tyrion and Jaime looked on in stunned horror. Oh well.
That would have been great! Arya takes out the Night King and Missandei takes out Cersei. Perfect.
Actually, that’s a mistranslation, it should read: all men and women must die. Pouring one out for Missandei.
Hey, I’m just trying to figure out why Daenerys and her entire brain trust along with a few soldiers were standing that close to the walls. In range of archers and scorpions and infantry attacks from the base.
Yeah! they had budget for that dull Neverending story ride to a waterfall but no money for a second of respect for a very good wolf? C’mon!
Yeah, he’s gonna be pretty sorry he shooed away his old buddy when he finds out his shiny new one is now decaying at the bottom of the sea.
But... I don’t see how, in the logic of the show, someone simply claiming to be heir to the throne is enough to usurp Dany the Dragon Queen. Dragons are pretty solid proof she’s who she says she is. There’s no proof for Jon beyond “My weird brother saw it in a vision!”
I have never bought the whole romance between them in the first place. They definitely love each other, but I never felt it was romantic at all.
Yeah, and Dragonstone is right by King’s Landing! How could they be so dumb?!
Honestly, they could have gotten away without showing the actual goodbye if the writing was any good.
It’s not paranoia though when everyone, including all of her most trusted advisors, are in fact conspiring to put Jon on the throne. She’s having a completely rational reaction to everyone losing their damn minds in the home stretch.
going to the most direct source as possible
And most of the U.S., places which aren’t large cities, often doesn’t even have a medical facility with the basic facilities for healthcare to start with, let alone a variety of competing providers for every service which could be by shopped by John Q. Public.
What you’re claiming isn’t true at all. First of all, the consent form is blanket, for police to take possession of and have full access to all media, communications and devices - right down to your fitbit and up to the content of any desktop you’ve used - in the last 7 years. And it specifies that any evidence of…