Eddie Phanichkul

According to some quick research, Apple paid $1 million in pre-IPO stock to access PARC for 2-3 days. The goal was to solve some design and usability issues they had faced for their own GUI, already developed before they visited. Here's a link that doesn't mention the payment, but mentions the visit:

Apple paid Xerox with stock. Xerox later decided it wan't enough, sued, and lost. Apple bought it fair and square.

"Borrowed... Hold the fuck up. It was given to me by Xerox. Bill borrowed it from me."

Liberals: Let's not paint all muslims as terrorists

How can you fault an artist for having a preference on the media he wants to work in? It's not stupid if you are the one who actually has to use it.

At first when Disney bought Star Wars I thought they'd ruin it, but then I realized they couldn't do much worse than Episodes I, II, and III.

I feel like I'm in the Matrix listening to that guy. He just rambles on and on.