The fact that a Mexican director won doesn't negate the larger point of lack of opportunity. Apparently contradictory things can both be true: the US can be racist and have a black President.
The fact that a Mexican director won doesn't negate the larger point of lack of opportunity. Apparently contradictory things can both be true: the US can be racist and have a black President.
Maybe they alway trot out the President of the Academy but having Cheryl Boone Isaacs come out last night to toot the horn of the Academy felt like egregious pandering. "See?? Our president is a black woman, we can't be racist sexists!!"
Not without a green card joke being thrown in (by everyone's favorite woman-beating white guy) for good measure, though
I get that Sean Penn and Iñárritu are buddies after making 21 Grams together, but that was still a really weird joke he made ("Who gave THIS guy a green card?) before he announced the award for Birdman, right?
Now would probably be a good time for you to step away from this conversation.
RIP dELiA*s. You and alloy made me the woman of questionable fashion I am today.
Was anyone else one of those uber-sensitive kids who ascribed feelings to their toys and stuffed animals? I used to play with all of my toys on a rotation because I was afraid of hurting their feelings. I kind of did that with my clothes too - I would feel guilty if I didn't wear my red shirt for a while because I was…
If Bill O'Reilly was going to be fired for lying he would be fired every damn day.
When you have to hijack someone else's tragedy to serve your agenda, you've failed.
When I was 14 or 15, I participated in a summer live-in college prep program at the local university. There were, IIRC, 125 other high-school kids, along with a dozen or so staff and instructors. At the beginning of the program, they distributed a whole lot of paperwork that most people never read, including a list of…
I was admitted to grad school in a city I had never visited before. All summer, I bugged the housing department mercilessly to get into graduate student housing, because I was afraid to try to find an apartment in an unfamiliar city by myself. Graduate housing was extremely limited. This involved a tremendous amount…
that episode is physically painful for me to watch
I cheated on a test in first grade. My mom was very proud that I aced it. I HAVE CARRIED THE GUILT WITH ME FOR TWO DECADES.
ME TOO. I never get away with lies! I can't even plan a surprise party without fucking it up by acting all suspicious.
My partner and I told everyone that our child was an accident when in actuality, he was totally planned. For some reason, we knew that would sit better with everyone, from our super liberal anti-breeder friends, to his conservative parents who hate me and would fall over dead if they ever knew that we, being young and…
Seeing people like Gwynie say they need Spanx makes me want to vomit and/or punch something. No you don't, you horrible woman, you have like 0% body fat. Stop pretending you're 'fat'.
Shit, my prompt for finally leaving my abusive relationship (which included strangling. Drunk fights where I'd have to lock myself in a room for safety. Punches to the face), was when I'd waited for MONTHS for the premier of the Hunger Games, pre-bought tickets to opening night for us to go, and then he went out and…
How are you criticizing someone who has gotten themselves out of an incredibly emotionally and physically abusive relationship? One where her abuser seemed to make her feel unloveable?
That's how I got out of my last relationship.
I've been praying non-stop for a sign from God if I myself am making a good choice on leaving my abusive boyfriend, at this very moment I'm packing my things hoping for a safe get away while he is at work, I am more scared then I've ever been, scared because I know he will come after me but also scared because I feel…