reminds me that I always wished a film would be made adapting this Dark Horse miniseries from the late 90s/early 00s that had the Predator hunting people in the New Jersey pine barrens and being the inspiration for the Jersey Devil myth.
reminds me that I always wished a film would be made adapting this Dark Horse miniseries from the late 90s/early 00s that had the Predator hunting people in the New Jersey pine barrens and being the inspiration for the Jersey Devil myth.
he's a polyp.
and absent-mindedly shaves her leg with a schick razor.
The A.V. Club
why wouldn't i just read the Guardian piece instead of your (lengthy) summary?
holy shit guys, 4 link-backs in the first paragraph? Univision overlords cracking that whip, huh?
Gooey Japanese Implosions
Well there IS a Walrusman in the Star Wars universe…
enjoyed that. if only he could have licensed the Talking Heads' "Making Flippy Floppy."
I admire Cary Elwes actually trying, and not phoning in his thankless bit part.
We all know Thelma and Louise committed suicide by driving their convertible off a cliff. What this sequel presupposes is…maybe they didn't?
His aides could try and make it sound like a foreign country or Ambassador or something when they say it to his face.
what if it has a chip? then it gets inserted. <laughtrack>
cold leftover bbq pulled chicken, mayo, and pickles, on a potato roll. Maybe a slice of american cheese if you're feelin' frisky.
nah, although both records had equally amazing b-sides. One of the best b-side bands ever, imo.
eh not bad. but a Lion King reference, really Meth?
US3 - Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia)