Not if you're set on thorough between-the-cheeks dryness. I dont have that kind of time.
Not if you're set on thorough between-the-cheeks dryness. I dont have that kind of time.
I know AV Club has long linked back to its own article, but I'm seeing that being taken to some next level shit lately.
*sends obsequious milquetoastto to Bolivia in a fucking BOX*
nailed it.
I'm going to force my 9-year-old to watch The Mighty Ducks with me, for sure.
how about Cowboys vs. Aliens?
She's just not that into you, Rubio.
yeah i think it's a good mix of people being willfully ignorant just to troll, and the sort of people who get a dose of self-esteem by thinking they're keenly aware of some dark complex conspiracy while the rest of us pleebs just have no idea how deep this shit goes, man.
i'm following a post on friend's Facebook page where someone he knows is constantly presenting youtube videos and other "evidence" of a Flat Earth but not fully owning it — basically hedging by constantly saying "hey, I'm just researching it" rather than full on saying he believes it. And every so often some poor soul…
but what will Shane Smith poke at with his stick?
i've noticed you're. Putting periods in odd places. Lately.
for the hairy-assed among us, a bidet seems like more trouble than it's worth.
hot dogs are ready!
yeah, composting toilet? Your toilet empties into what is basically a big composting bin in yr basement, where yr poo becomes black gold.
Was it the Frost / half?
When you're hustlin' on the Outer Rim
And you wish that you weren't there
Get coordinates from the navicomputer
And you can be anywhere!
Phone's ringin', Dude.
Back when we first started dating, my wife found a kitten under a car one morning when she was out for a walk. She brought it home, we named it Banjo, and it was the cutest damn little half-feral kitty ever. Then it started attacking the legs of our 5-year-old daughter — relentlessly — so we gave it to her folks who…
Alex, page Dr. Benway.
This candle inside me is God's own light! WAKE UP before you're just another one of those sheeple in the herd being marched to Obama's death chambers beneath Starbucks! WAKE UP! TRICK OR TREAT!