Officer Milk Carton

Justice for the hot comedy stylings of Last of Us’s Ellie Williams and her joke books. Truly one of the great comedy games of all times

Jughead actually created their universe’s version of Archie’s Mad House, which is this universe’s version of a Riverdale knockoff of Mad.

I’ve had a job, in security no less. If I went around asking for people’s numbers - for any reason, regardless of demographic - I’d expect to be sacked.

with nails?

I eventually gave up on Riverdale due to being tired of Hiram Lodge’s bullshit, and the constant fistfights among the dudes getting boring as fuck.  But the weird stuff was always a blast, and the final season’s been as good as any. Glad it’s getting to go out on its own terms.

To understand just how fully Mattel—and by extension the studios funding them—have missed the point, one need not look further than the toy company’s absolutely bonkers slate of upcoming programming


I assumed this was all leading up to some wacky predetermined punchline that was only funny to billionaires and their idiot fanboys, likely involving some kind of inflatable poop emoji. Kinda surprised that either one of them was taking it seriously.

A charity event implies that he encourages other people to give their money away. He’d be keeping his cash, and giving away nothing but free knuckle sandwiches.

One...One Voyage of the Demeter. Ah ha ha ha haaa. Tw....Fuck it, I’m hungry.

Interpolation is fine, and is only slightly less old than songwriting itself. But to answer your question...this time it’s the estate of Shel Silverstein for the Boy Named Sue homage “I know that I’ve seen hotter men/But I really can’t remember when”.

8/9 falls on a bunch of different days, just depends on the year. Shit, where I a we don’t eve get 8/9 until the 8th of September. I’m starting to feel that numerology may not be too precise of a science, despite the maths involved.

Now playing

Not so much joined, as formed a metal band with his brothers. They appear to have created a horror stage show musical called American Chilly, about a “Toilet Monster”.

It’s a fun movie about dolls who come to life and try to interact with the real world.

Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines
Raphael is cool but crude
Michelangelo is a party dude

Sorry Mr Lee, information on which movie your hot dog cart appears in is classified.

Not in turtle years.

And the sequel to Skipper is The Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligan’s Island.  

Apparently it has its basis in Old Norse, and refers to a person of Low Moral Character.