Officer Milk Carton

My concern with Yellowjackets is by the time Season 5 comes around, I’ll have forgotten most of the threads they’re wrapping up that will have started in the first few seasons. Honestly had trouble following. the last season of Better Call Saul because of this.

Been a while since I read it, but those creatures were basically Morlocks from The Time Machine, right? I think the wider point of this episode is that Din hates the working class, which wasn’t a turn I was expecting.

I believe A Little Touch of Schmilsson in the Knight is their take on Camelot.

If she can hitch a ride on a TARDIS, then she’s probably our  best hope.

I’d be happy enough if this was a bonus level on  a Mario game.

What’s the point? The only people capable of understanding Musk’s genius are Interdimensional Chess Grandmasters, who have better things to do than watch documentaries. Maybe @libtardP0wn3r69 and @420SmartdudeLOLZ can pick up what he’s putting down. Maybe.

A significant number of those jokes were in baseball-cap form, which is more on the wardrobe department that the WPM.

eh, he’s cancelled out by the three kids wearing one coat.

Now that Citizen Kane’s been released, how can I enjoy Man Getting Hit By Football in the Groin? 

A bad Pennywise always comes back.

My mum would like to remind you that I’m the world’s handsomest little man.

Didn’t even have the smallpox or polio vaccines, and he ended up fine. Well, right up until that business with the cross.

I would like to see Fallout  Boy from the Simpsons played by Harley Quinn, if only to hear “Jiminy Jillickers” pronounce in a thick Brooklyn accent.

Yeah, Grimes other nominations also included “A whale a dragon fighting in a bathtub, that’d be pretty cool - right?”, “The collective unconscious of all humanity”, and “Chat GPT in a Time Machine”.

He managed to wrangle a producer credit in exchange for them using his likeness as the Green Gobshite

Shit, you’re right. In my defence, I’m a fucken idiot.

Maybe he’s just throwing shade at his sister. Next family meal’s gonna be awkward.

“I am very disappointed with you, as are Luke Skywalker, no less than 7 dwarves, and that one computer that wore tennis shoes”.

I was worried they’d show Sarah’s AND Tess’, and then we’d just have a progressively more morbid recap every week.

Weird. The Dark Knight is an American citizen, and he’s kept his.