It’ll just make for a smoother transition if Krzysztof Kieślowski ends up taking over the series and wants to make A Benoir Rouge Mystery, and A Benoir Bleu Mystery.
It’ll just make for a smoother transition if Krzysztof Kieślowski ends up taking over the series and wants to make A Benoir Rouge Mystery, and A Benoir Bleu Mystery.
Doesn’t seem to be much circling tables excessively and doubling back on empty shelves in case they come across random screws or pills. Starting to doubt their commitment to the source material.
Guess we’ll have to hold out for a while to see if the dude from the Mandalorian can act convincingly while wearing a mask.
It’s a parody account.
Well, it’s a lot easier to pitch than a sequel.
You’re getting her confused with Celine Dijon.
Easiest way to find North is with a compass or, failing that, orienting yourself with the path of the sun.
As long as I can get away with blaming the dog, I’ll cut whatever cheese I like. Really eggy ones are pretty bad tho.
Prequel film: NØne
Fuck, dude. Had me worried there. Look like they’re doing that stupid bullshit where they split the season into 2 parts. I guess stupid bullshit is pretty on brand for Doom Patrol tho.
Taking inspiration, Spike Lee angrily tweeted the address of Betsy DeVos.
Alcock was better as foul-mouthed smartass (“gendered slurs are for cunts”) Meg in Upright.
Thought it was pretty obvious from her hit single Rock Me, Ardmoredeus.
Young(er) Jack Sparrow was already based on an aging Keith Richards.
I have it on somewhat questionable authority that fezzes and bow ties are cool.
This is just a ripoff of the Banana Splits movie.
Kinda the same. I was hoping their Kubrick references were pointed more towards A Clockwork Orange than 2001, but I’ll take what I can get.
after a smuggling operation goes off the rails.
By Bob Geldof, to a Pink Floyd soundtrack, if memory serves
Even if you do know who Jack Raynor is, go watch Sing Street. It’s fucking delightful.