Officer Milk Carton

If Murray truly believed Chase was a medium talent, he would’ve hired him to talk to the spirits in Ghostbusters.

Crypto nerds can also plant tulips...ON MY ASS.

“Hopefully we’ll have a boy so we can call him ‘Wolf’. Haven’t settled on a potential girl’s name; we’ll probably just go with the Flow”.

That’s the normal pronunciation in Australia, BTW.  Stefanovic is as prone to scripted giggling as Steve Harvey.

Well, somebody on Fett’s side had to die.  I swear nobody else - townsfolk included - suffered any damage that couldn’t be fixed with a complimentary voucher to the bacta tank.

The best plot armor is Beskan.

Leto’s ineligible, he was legally Paolo Gucci on set.  I swear you dipshits don’t know how method acting works.

There’s only so many flippity flops to swing on before the plot beat gets stale.

3rd Bass’s MC Serch is one of the co-founders.

Lady Alan Parsons Project, after the hovercraft.

Nice work with naming the films in the video, much appreciated.

Wikipedia lists about 40 non-English variants of it.

I only start with Adieu on opposite day.

It was in regular rotation in my list of “horror titles I think look cool at the video library, wonder if I can convince my mum to let me watch, then reshelve without even bothering to ask because I know the answer”, ages 8-10.

Oh, totally.  I’m firmly in the eagerly-waiting-for-streaming camp.

They also didn’t go to see it in cinemas.

Now playing

Uncut version of the theme has him flying first class to LA.

Yeah, but they let us know that the cyberpunk kids on the Quadrophenia-esque scooters into body modification are colloquially known as “Mods”. *sigh*

“Shake hate’s chain off society’s brain”? Is Concannon suing on behalf of the 13 year old who actually decorated the jacket with a bottle of Liquid Paper?