Officer Milk Carton

Like, how hard is it to get some cheap glasses and a hair tie in China?

Having two gay cavemen named Adam and Steve is comedy gold.

People don’t recognise her because her stage outfits are designed by a supercomputer that uses holograms to make her look like a rockstar.

That would be the scene that the writer said “might be [his] favorite moment in TV history”.

And You’s breakup-themed spin-off. It isn’t You... it’s Me.

It was already remastered for the PS4 about a year after the PS3 version dropped.  Putting out a new version of some sort for 3 consoles in a row shows a ridiculous  lack of imagination for a game company.

Yeah, “Make ‘em Laugh” is the best routine in the film. Gene Kelly was a better technical dancer in his numbers, but you can tell Donald O’Connor is straight up having a blast which is why the joy is so contagious. Plus it doesn’t outstay its welcome like “Gotta Dance” does.

This is such a wonderful movie to look at (God the orange-and-teal brigade need to watch it and understand how to properly use colour in film), but the story is way too kitchen sink drama for my personal tastes. Overall I think its vague sequel The Young Girls of Rochefort was the superior film.

Most of those films were released decades ago.

Nah, I’m a public transport fabric kinda guy.

Would totally watch a Simon vs Garkunkel grudge match.  Tho having both fighters using “The Boxer” as walkon music would be a little odd.

Sure dude, have fun frivolously pissing about with your footwear. But what happens when the bottom wears out? Have you put any thought into who’s going to save your sole?

Plus the one where they have their lair near  a wastewater outlet: The Sewer Side Squad.

Hopefully the  Suicide Squad will team up with anti-folksters The Moldy Peaches.

Yep, he literally gains “The Power of Self Respect” at the end. The point of him being an asshole of an unreliable narrator was made in a pretty heavy-handed fashion in the comics.

Seth Gabel played Dahmer in one episode of AHS: Hotel.  Now the internal consistency of the Murphoverse-or-whatever-the-fuck-people-call-it is ruined.

Nah, that court case was bullshit. Gaye’s estate sued because the “feel” of the songs was the same - basically setting precedent that anyone that establishes a genre can call dibs on anything that comes after it.

Nah, definitely a shoutout to lo-fi pioneers Half Japanese.

Deaths of people I know never really register for me (and I like it that way), but I’m a sucker for fictional deaths because of all the music and camera angles and character close-ups that go along with them that don’t really happen in real life. I’m fine with being manipulated like that if it’s a major event in a