Officer Milk Carton

Are there places where people actually use “sodapop”, or is that just an SE Hinton thing?

I get really nervous about unintentionally pissing off people that handle my food. I just can’t comprehend why you’d place your life in the hands you’re deliberately being a prick to.

Haven’t seen that much scum since Mos Eisley.

So, which food trend do you wish would stick around the longest?

Embedded tweets have legitimacy,screenshotted” tweets are frequently photoshopped bullshit.

So the death(s) would’ve happened anyway? It seemed like a pretty deliberate series finale, unless they just re-edited whatever footage they could to give closure.

If this was just a normal season finale, I would’ve loved it. Frequently when the show goes all-in on stacking one layer of nonsense on another it gets too much, but this could’ve been one of the few occasions where it was just focused enough to justify itself and become glorious. But then they killed Sabrina for good

“Human Earthling Benz”.

Regularly calling the nephew “William” to his face before half-assedly correcting himself could also work well.

Sabrina immediately going from feeling shitty for almost causing a cataclysm by ignoring advice from people smarter than her, to triggering her step-dad because...she ignored the advice of people smarter than her was stupid and killed any emotional weight the scene had. She’s been through enough shit over the years to

I’ve had a hard time getting into this season (Sabrina(s) shrugging at the possibility of her selfish bullshit causing a cataclysm irked me on enough levels to be fed up with the series from the outset).  I actually really enjoyed this one tho, hopefully the rest continue at the same standard.

For versions of “on time” that necessitate taking 2 years per series.

The Doctor Who 2 parter “The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances”.

I initially assumed the miners were just looking for their parents.

It’s also probably his legal argument that voter fraud definitely happened this election.

He can’t actually retire there. One of his conditions of purchase was that he wouldn’t use Mar a Largo as a private residence, and given that the town hates him for shutting the area down and destroying the local economy whenever he’s wanted to go golfing over the last four years, it’s likely he’ll be held to it.

Dry humour really doesn’t register for some people.

“A stranger’s just a friend you haven’t met” and Skittlebrau being literal beer and skittles are both references, and they’re my two favourite jokes from the show.

And now a lot of humour is just references to The Simpsons.