People with moustaches should hide their faces.
People with moustaches should hide their faces.
With special guest star: Hologram Jareth.
Man I love me some good comment/username synergy.
He was the subject of a movie that won 4 Academy Awards. I’m not surprised his death wasn’t covered here, buy I wouldn’t be surprised if it was.
Yeah, but it was a joke they started.
Both kinds of colours exist in modern cinema, both orange and teal.
Emily Gilmore got published in Vogue?
It tends to involve yet another loss for the Washington Generals.
Is flatulence a symptom of Covid now?
Look closer, that’s actually the Duckburg Gate. People get them mixed up all the time.
I think I assumed it was set in the 50s because it was filmed in colour. So basically there’s a part of me that believes Calvin’s Dad’s theory that until recently colour didn’t exist.
Now I just want both characters spun off into a shitty detective show called Seven-Eleven.
Asimov once said that the most exciting words in science were “that’s funny”; taking a cursory look into things that seem a little odd isn’t really out of character for a scientist to me. In a series that involves daemons, armoured bears, and sentient dark matter it’s not the point that will break my suspension of…
Lots of scientists have spiritual beliefs, and the story deliberately makes parallels between scientific theory and religious texts, so I don’t think it’s particularly implausible that a physicist has some I Ching sticks lying around in the show.
The next Troma film is an interpretation of The Tempest that takes on corporate opioid production.
The hell with foil, I’m least likely to choose one which leaves me with crap to throw away at the end (or sneakily hide under a plate or whatever).
Just chocolate>>>>>chocolate+garbage.
I didn’t really understand what they were bombing?
Lay off him. You shouldn’t expect someone with cloven hooves to understand the basics of footwear.