Officer Meow Meow Fuzzyface

Four years is seriously not a long time between albums, y'all. Ask Kevin Shields.

I don't get this…closeup of Arthur's hand, is there something inherently hilarious I'm missing here?

You either run the risk of appearing to promote suicide as an 'answer', or appearing to shame suicides for being 'selfish' and 'hurting their family'. Seems kinda 'can't win' to me. :( As someone who experiences serious depression, you get very tired of hearing the latter refrain, and everyone making suicide about the

if by NYC, you mean….Memphis :(

Does anyone know where one can see this?

The electronic "Turkey In The Straw" haunts far too many suburban streets this time of year, flittering about like an uneasy spirit, block to block…

Needs more me.

Holds up 'two things' sign

oooooooh, thanks. i remember the exchange but didn't make the connection re: it being wanda they were talking about.

I missed the mention of what happened to Wanda, anyone care to fill me in?

They blew their chance to have a great slow-burn show leading gradually up to the point of society collapsing. Now its just TWD: Out West. :(

oh, so you're locked into binary thinking about this election! cool!

don't assume she's my preferred candidate, thanks.

i wouldn't assume it's false because there's no consequences.

or people like myself with serious mental illness who couldn't afford medication and therapy prior to the ACA.

Trump is being sued for alleged child rape.

they can't intellectualize politics past the level of facebook memes and reality television. that's as far as they can go.

Republicans have admitted they were instructed to obstruct the president on every issue no matter what the issue was. that's treason. sorry, i don't think you can blame a president who's hands are tied by the most obstructionist Republican party in history, which absolutely refuses to compromise whatsoever.


The Execution Of All Things is an absolute fucking classic. So underrated. Though my favorite RK song is definitely 'Pictures of Success'.