Can’t wait to see how Fox News reacts considering they were trying to drag Robert DeNiro for saying “Fuck Em’” in his interview on Sunday.
Can’t wait to see how Fox News reacts considering they were trying to drag Robert DeNiro for saying “Fuck Em’” in his interview on Sunday.
“Man, Rudy, you sucked,” Trump said, according to a book by Lewandowski and Bossie and cited by the Journal. “You were weak. Low energy.”
Well fucking said!
Combine this with Giuliani throwing everyone under the bus, reading his texts from the State dept. on Fox News last night and every dumbfuck Repub talking head addressing everything but the actual crimes committed and we’ve got a popcorn-worthy shitshow that should be pretty satisfying up until the inevitable “not…
The article also mentions a woman labeled “Miss Deplorable” from the Reddit thread #hottiesforTrump.
Less chaotic, more polished, and the soundtrack follows the action in a delightful and pleasant way.
So they made your point for you.
What’s wrong with being sexy?
I see no where on the site that the products are “MADE IN THE USA”. Yet, dummies will spend their money to stick it to the Libs without question. These grifters have no shame.
I live in Oakdale, and I pretty much thought it was a hoax from the beginning. Still ran a stud finder over my kid’s candy to see if there was any metal.
Don’t post fake stuff. Be better.
Kinda like “plot armor” as seen in the final season of GoT, Trump and his cronies have “thought armor”. They can say whatever ridiculous shit they want knowing that their buffoonery will be shielded in “radical socialist libs out to get us” armor.
I essentially have two descriptions when it comes to wine (and beer as well)... “This tastes good” and “I don’t like this”. Whether or not you (or the person who made/poured the drink) agree with me, is irrelevant.
We did a 5 person, 6 round draft (30 total characters) of who would survive. Nobody drafted in the first three rounds died (18 characters), 4 of the 5 characters selected in the final round died.
If I kick someone and they stumble backwards and get hit by a car, you can guarantee I’m gonna be punished for their injuries sustained from the car.
Consider the fact that not a single NFL touchdown has ever been scored by Michael Jordan.
I’ve enjoyed plenty of Padron peppers in Spain, but the Shishito don’t seem to have the same flavor. Plus, you get the occasional hot one a lot more often with Shishitos.
We need a Switch version ASAP!!!
Or, you could be way less dense and understand the difference between unions which are fighting to protect workers from being treated like shit and welfare recipients.
“Dragonchasers” is the season one hook episode. Unfortunately, it is ten episodes in. I tell folks that if they get to episode 10 of the first season, they will not turn back. Dutch taking down the serial killer, followed by him going out to his car to cry was one of the most powerful moments I’d ever seen on TV.