Officer Majoy

Nah... moderate-Repubs, Centrists and Independents had their wild dalliance with Whore Trump and it’s left them with nothing but shame and possibly a STD. They are ready to get back to reality and date more reasonable politicians. House is a lock for the Dems.

I think my local Chuck E Cheese had this game when I was a kid, but I frequented lots of arcades so maybe I’m not remembering correctly. I do remember playing this when I was 8 or 9 and then having nightmares later on about it. It was a freakishly demented game compared to pretty much everything else in the arcades at

At this point, can’t we just make Trump resign on the condition he becomes King of the South. Southern states are allowed to secede and form Trumpland. Anyone who wants to move in or out of Trumpland is allowed before his highness builds his goddamn wall and then we all watch them languish in disaster for the next 10

US govt plans for crackdown on US weed which will encourage trafficking from Mexico. Weed is still the top moneymaker for Mexican cartels. Mexico just gave in to the US on the NAFTA deal. Not saying these things are related, but they’re probably related.

The Pacific time zone tried to keep the Presidency from an emo, narcissistic douche nozzle, so I think the rest of y’all can kiss our asses and deal with being in shitty places with shitty sporting event start times.

Terrible troll, gonna troll terribly

2018 spin-rate leaders:

No worries, y’all! Come have a ball at the Oakdale, CA Testicle Festival! This years has already dropped, but next year’s will be nuts (again)!

I hope Dave can shake the charge.

and the fact that the show concentrates on the Garveys, who lost no one, I think is one of the smartest angles to the show

A bar in Barcelona called Bobby’s Free has a working barber-shop as the front for the bar. Guy in the back asks for the password. If you know it, or guess it after a clue or two, they open the back wall and you go down into the bar. Buddy and I were looking for it and had no clue. Walked by it twice in the rain before

My missing of this joke was discombobulatingly devastating.

A guy who has repeatedly and nonchalantly engaged in many brawls (and won most of them).