Definitely not hilarious, by any reasonable measure. But way, way funnier than the audience gave him credit for. Good reminder what a bunch of phonies liberal media types are. He was funny and deserved better.
Definitely not hilarious, by any reasonable measure. But way, way funnier than the audience gave him credit for. Good reminder what a bunch of phonies liberal media types are. He was funny and deserved better.
I didn’t say they were uncommon, I said I suspect a higher percentage of non-professionals have tattoos than non-professionals. I knew it would be hard to quantify which is why I said it was guess — you said I was wrong, do you have data to show?
I love a healthy, respectful discussion. You have a some valid points to make for sure (show compassion, they were only 15, etc.) but you picked some really terrible analogies (a kid not wearing a bike helmet or a small child drinking antifreeze is nowhere close to 15 year olds stealing a car). I suspect you know that…
I think you’re saying that the cops assumed that because it was a stolen car the occupants must have been black or Hispanic (when you say minority, I suspect you don’t mean Asians too?)? Interesting.
Your response in paragraph 1 is supported by neither fact nor law. You're so far off. As for the second paragraph, I’m sure drowning is awful. I’m glad you made it.
I would venture to guess (and I admit I don’t know how you could ever prove this) that a greater percentage of non-professionals have tattoos than professionals.
Me too. But if they stole a car and ran from the cops, I would not be ok with it, and I'd expect to blame them for foreseeable consequences (crashing with lights off—> death) and not the police.
Why would cops hate Jewish people? They don't commit crime.
I don’t think it was supposed to be a life lesson. But I'm sure he is a good boy
hahaha this Is Gawker! Only cops kills blacks, jk, it’s like .2 percent.
I told you that you can't say that on here. That offends me!
Wear a helmet and also when you're an adult don't race dirtbikes, unless you're a professional dirtbike racer.
You can't say that on gawker.
I blame the police! (That should get some likes on here)
No, you're doing fine. If it hasn't happened yet, someone on a Gawker will make it a racist question. That offends me!
What is condescending about asking that question?