Sometimes, a chart or infographic is the best way to communicate complex topics—like what the different types of…
Sometimes, a chart or infographic is the best way to communicate complex topics—like what the different types of…
Almost exactly six months ago, my mother was killed by a 19 year old who was A) driving too fast and B) fucking around with his phone. He took a curve too fast, crossed the center line, and my mother hit his passenger side head on. She died from blunt force trauma to her legs and chest. He's alive.
Nothing you have…
"It's not impossible to have a conversation while driving!"
As someone who once had a legit phobia of driving, I can confirm that yes, everyone has. People treated me like I was an idiot. Actual words from my father, "It's not a life or death situation!" Um YES IT LITERALLY IS. He is a terrible driver and half the reason for my anxiety in the first place, but far from the only…
Actually studies show that it's not only the act of looking at the phone that is the only problem. That's why the laws aren't just for holding a cell in your hand but also for distracted driving. I agree with other posters about ordering a pizza or anything where you have to listen to multisteps instructions. Wait…
I talk to people like her ALL. THE. TIME. at my job. They're barreling down the road at 65 mph and calling me for pizza "to save time!" AARRRRGH.
I wholeheartedly agree. Someone here is going to call you callous. I think callousness is the wanton disregard people show their fellow drivers when they engage in dangerous, superfluous behavior that destroys lives.
fair and balanced
What you're saying can be true, and still allow for promiscuity.
I always get stuff on Book Depository now, because they don't have a flat shipping charge like Amazon. So I can get graphic novels one at a time, and somehow it's less money if I spend it $15 at a time...
Hey Jezebel, stop contributing to the stigma against mental health care! She's being far more open about her mental health than any public figure should be required to be, and she's being proactive about her mental health. This is a GOOD THING, not a thing to snark at. Seriously. Knock it off.
You obviously know nothing about Bipolar disorder. A short stint in a hospital is a perfect way to monitor Catherine's meds. She can afford it. It is a hard thing to treat and sometimes you build up a tolerance for certain meds and need to change out. Doing that in a safe environment where you could possibly have…
Why does that reason give off a hefty waft of bullshit? I went into hospital (for bipolar II), so that my doctor could manage my medication. So...for that exact reason. I get that the media industry puts a lot of pressure on its writers to publish but....sheeeeesh.
I'm in grad classes where we're actually allowed to think for ourselves, and the topic of a society without sexual identity came up. Basically, can you imagine a society in which you could desire whomever you please, same-sex or opposite sex, and not have to label it as gay, straight, bi, etc? What would the…
So here's my issue, I find my boyfriend's best friend super-irritating. My boyfriend is 28 and his friend is 21, and I kind of want to punch him after too long of exposure. They became friends through a mutual person that the boyfriend used to work with
For the last 8 months I have been really on top of my fitness routine; and on Wednesday I broke my pinky toe (Happened while dancing in my room to Jingling Baby... So another reason to be mad at L L Cool J this week).
How long should one wait before texting their new sex friends and asking him to bring his sexy ass over?
I'm a college student who studies biology, and it honestly floors me how big of a gap there is between lay people and the science professors/researchers under whom I study when it comes to science knowledge/understanding. I understand a very small fraction of what these scientists and medical professionals do, and at…