o Fantasma da Favela

Coded language? GTFO. That is a ridiculous conspiracy theory. Snopes debunked this claim, but just like the Birthers, some people do not care about facts. Smearing like this because the Green Party got the tiniest bit of attention is pathetic. Democrats have shown they are willing to swift boat the same as

Its not quoting, its twisting to smear. This was already debunked on Snopes. Just like President Obama is not a secret muslim, this Harvard educated Doctor is not an anti-vaxxer. Its false.

Ha, my bad. Sorry I misread you.

If you had done any research you would have seen Snopes debunked this BS yesterday. Don’t rely on Gawker for your information.

Are you reffering to this anti-vax smear that snopes debunked yesterday?

Or maybe b/c it was never true? Snopes debunked this smear yesterday:

Then you take her seriously now that the anti-vax smear has been debunked by Snopes?

So does she, this is a smear debunked by snopes already:

That’s Stein’s POV as well. This Anti-vax smear was already debunked by Snopes:

Snopes already debunked it! These people are rabid for an excuse to make Hillary ‘the only choice’ so their conscience doesn’t ache.

Hey, correlation is not causation. More likely Deniro is repeating what someone else, probably another doctor, told him. He doesn’t know shit. Too compare his knowledge with a harvard educated doctor is silly.

Yeah largest voting block of people in this country are those who don’t vote. Crazy but true. The Democrats are 29%, and the GOP is somewhere in the low 20's in the latest data.

“She’s criticizing vaccines using the same language as the anti-vax movement. She can say she’s not anti-vax all she wants...”

Well they are extremely dangerous if shit goes wrong, look at Fukushima. And they also don’t guard them well so god only knows about the upkeep. Have you caught that Nun in jail story? She’s in there b/c she walked right up to a nuclear plant and paint no nukes on the side of it. Walked right up, no one to stop her,

“And I was against Brexit, but the fear-mongering on the side of the establishment was disgusting.”

If people who vote for her are just going to stay home otherwise how is it a vote for Trump? Does it involve magnets?

This is the conspiracy theory here Metro. Its a smear going on and you know it. You might like it, you might enjoy it, but its a smear. Dr. Jill Stein is no more a stealth anti-vaxxer than Obama is a secret muslim, but there are people who keep spreading that shit too...

“Plus the fact she can’t just come out an say that vaccines are safe without giving such circular non-answers makes her look bad.”

A Harvard educated doctor is less qualified than Trump? Why b/c he had a TV show? That asshat inherited his money, or he’d be a bus driver. Decent and reasonably well informed makes her more qualified than trump alone.