o Fantasma da Favela

So the Democrats are so scared of the Left that they will smear the shit out of good people like Sanders and Stein, got it.

Is the democratic party a blue faced dead baby killed by a predator drone in Yemen? Any of the hundreds of thousands of unpeople’s faces in the region? Nah, they don’t matter...

That’s called trolling, sir.

Several European countries have different scheduling methods, there is no problem with debating it. When fanatics get involved all reasonable and scientific process gets trampled by the political.

She has repeatedly said she is pro-vax, and you people echoing it all have no shame. This craven, gross, easily debunked smear is absurd. The levels of fiction needed to make Hillary ‘the only choice’ is reaching insanity.

These people all know its not true, they’re just circle jerking their favorite baseless smear against a pro-vax Doctor b/c they have to believe they have no choice but to vote Clinton.

So this was ironically right after Hillary was on the Walmart Board from 86-92!

*calmly steps out through window*

“He’s in favor of TPP and bank deregulation. So basically, Hillary’s way of telling Bernie supporters to fuck off”

Good for you! Excited to see so many people getting involved with the Green Party.

Awful pick. Kaine is loudly calling to deregulate the banks, fast track TPP.

Ghost in the Shell ETA: 75yrs. So correct, but after the Bladerunner era.

Whatever intentions they have, and however gleaming and beautiful it starts, we all know its gonna look like Bladerunner 50yrs from now.

*Big Sad Puppy Eyes*

Had it working this morning on Android, but the servers have gone down now. :(

Now playing

“She was just seventeen. You know what I mean...”

“Are you American? You, in another thread indicated you vote in every election and help campaign, yet you spell unfavorable with a U”

Its a sick, sad state of affairs, and I have no idea how people can look up to these people.

Even being in the presence of this shit going on is a crime if you don’t report it, right? Like an accesory or something? I would hope so anyways...