
It is beyond the gaming industry. Any time a group loud enough screams boycott or causes enough ruckus, a company 9 times out of 10 will fold.

Didn’t stop the shit storm aimed at Paula Dean for using the N word 10+ years ago, or many other celebrities in the same situation that lost their jobs. I used it some when I was in High School, not proud of it and I don’t say it any longer, but you can damn well bet if I was famous and it got out that I said it,

I keep seeing a lot of, it was in college/ the past. And?

Heh. I don’t support harassment or anything, but I thought it was quite funny when she went crying to Twitter that a bunch of “women hating males” were down voting her game on Steam so it wouldn’t get put in the store. All of her sheep were like, “what is this Steam you speak of and how can I up vote it.” People who