3 things...
He clearly flopped!
Everyone knew the Celtics where a punchline from the get-go. Seriously, who had them in the Finals?? Not even Boston fans had them penciled in.
Why can’t the cops shoot this POS, seriously!
Why do you have bring the Patriots into this conversation??
Being a fan since ‘97 and having to endure the 3 season with 100 losses in a row, the start of this season is fucking AWESOME!! KEEP JACKING THEM BOYS!!
Red card for excess celebrating and taunting
His BIGGEST fuck up was not losing the fight nor getting jacked. The loss was letting this story go public hahaha
Harden was spotted at a strip club after the game.
At least 1 Houston team won tonight
GAME 7 in San Antonio @ 3pm - all bets are off
So, does double jeopardy come to play IF he is found to be alive?? Not sure if I asked that right...
I really hope he and the NWA destroy that comedy show that is the WWE.
This is not a question, this is a thank you.
Is there a layaway plan???
All I want to say is ....DAMN THAT GIRL IS FINE!!!!
Uhhh there’s and idea soccer + ufc = Americans watching