Of What Doth Thou Speak Willis

Having the title game on TBS was dumb as shit.

Nah her name is Jackie, it wasnt a pseudonym. Because she used her real name her classmates were able to out her shortly after the controversy erupted. Her first and last name has been out there for a while... http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/26030/

Does that make it ok to falsify facts about people who didnt cause the trauma that created her increased tendency to lie?

How can she be re-traumatized if her story was bullshit?

It takes less than a minute to find her name if you have a Google button.

The RS article said that Jackie wasn’t a pseudonym. That being said, how many women do you think were named Jackie, born that year, attended UVA at that time, and had connections to folks in the frat?

Yes, but my point is that you are taking the reactions about a group that was accused of gang rape at the time the reactions were pulled into the news and taking them as fact. That seems ridiculous, biased, and a silly way to determine whether or not people are good. People’s opinions change quickly when public

We don’t really have any recent information stating these guys in any way suck though.

Her name is already public knowledge, though...?

This is the right decision. Of course her testimony is relevant to their case. In my opinion, she’s lucky they are sealing the deposition. I have yet to see any facts which suggest she was, in fact, a victim of anything. That being said, it’s always good to be cautious and I applaud the judge for finding a nice

The frats desreve all the money. What she did to them was horrible.

We get it, Kate.

Honey Badger don’t care.

All the names you guys call Donald Trump were really funny at first. But as the weeks go on, Trump’s legitimacy is going up. Meanwhile, Gawker’s is going down in the wake of the Bollea case. Now the name calling is just forced, desperate, and childish.

I knew from the title of this post that it wasn’t a Bill Haisley article.

In fairness, they all do have much nicer uniforms than the USMNT.

Sorry, not sorry.

Who cares if they win or have a large fan base? Why is the revenue part of this not the biggest and only highlight?