Of What Doth Thou Speak Willis

I’ve been a 100% Klinnsman defender but I’m wavering. If we were losing games because we were looking ahead by grooming the next generation I’d understand. If we were losing because we were struggling to implement a new fluid attacking style I’d understand.

I think the real highlight of this video is that she shot it in landscape mode. Thank you, Sarah, from the bottom of my heart.

lol women

I bet if you spend an extra minute to re-think that analogy you’ll come to the conclusion that I already have, that it’s bad.

Remember when Jordan missed that 3-pointer in 1992? God he sucked.

It’s not exactly the same, because the “reach” you had wasn’t that high. You could share those tapes/CDs with your friends/family, not someone you do not know on the other side of the planet.

Yep. It can seem racist by proxy, but it’s really just more ethnocentric. Human beings are conditioned to care about 1) things that impact us and 2) things that specifically deviate from the patterns we’re used to.

So, in that vein: Terrorist attack on “my country” = most interest.

Because most Americans are of western European descent. Turkey is in far eastern Europe/the middle East, depending on your persuasion. That’s why.

But why? Are you really saying you would have the same interest in reports of a rogue sniper in the ninth biggest town in Cambodia that you would reports of a rogue sniper on your street, or outside the White House? It’s not wrong to care more about things that affect you more - it’s natural.

That’s pretty easy.

Is this similar to the Gawker bias? The one that prevents its writers from caring about something unless the bad act was committed by someone who has white skin, male, straight, or a police officer? Republican is also preferred.

Am I the only one that didn’t know Belgium was a “whiter” country than Turkey or Lebanon?

And the attacks in Turkey got more attention than ones in Yemen. It boils down to where people expect attacks and how likely people in the U.S. are to have travelled to or know people from those areas.


No one cares about bombings in the middle east because they have been happening weekly for 100 years. People care when civilized nations are attacked.

gosh, I don’t get it - why do places that have more influence globally get more media coverage??

This seems sort of callous but I don’t think bombings in countries where we associate turmoil drives clicks/traffic whatever in the US. Where something happening in France on Belgium, where American tourists are more likely to go, will.

“It is bad and stupid, the latest absurdity (and one of the lowest) to which the “well-credentialed people saying wrong yet arresting things” industry has reduced the collective knowledge of humankind.”