New Line of Dolls For Kids With Disabilities is Created After Campaign
Whenever I hear the words “meteor showers”, I wonder what you would make the curtain of, and which shampoo to chose.
I once took off a flap of skin an inch long on my knee because my razor slipped and I was like ‘Oh God, this is it, this is how it ends, I bleed to death in my bathtub and everyone stands around at my funeral judging me for my chronic failure to woman’.
I am a neuroscientist, and I am sorry you have so many recommendations for repeating the same old stereotypes by referring to “scientific research”. There is NO neuroscientific evidence that if women would be given the same circumstances as men, they could not excel as much - even on the group level. Fact is that if…
OK. Well... let’s take it back a few steps?
How about I said what I said for a reason.
Spider-Horse, Spider-Horse
Hi, that is ableist as heck.
Warms my heart to see so many jez readers support eugenics. It's almost as if (white) feminists have a long history of supporting such policies.
The thing about social justice/change is that, by very nature, it's supposed to disturb your everyday life. The status quo is being disturbed. If change of the status quo bothers you, then you likely benefit from it. You're going to be disturbed. You're going to get more and more stickers until stickers are no longer…
Karyn, would you consider adding AHA's symptoms of heart attack in women to the post? Confusion about the symptoms is a large part of why women are facing delayed treatment.
He didn't kill the cops because they were cops, he killed them because he was on a killing spree.
Wow, way to miss the point. It's not about thinking less of men. It's about the fact that there seems to be a problem of a lack of women writing for BBC Sci-Fi series. It's not just Doctor Who or the SJA, but also Wizards versus Aliens, which has never had a female writer on an episode either.
What I find more strange is that not a single episode of the Sarah Jane Adventures was written by a woman.
Anybody who thinks it's hypocritical for us to hate rape and like sex isn't very good at thinking.
Yes, we will do that on the same day that anyone gives a shit about what you think.
all things aren't equal. make them equal and then ask again.