She didn't just bring this up out of nowhere.
She didn't just bring this up out of nowhere.
Statistical trends do not become absolute certainties just because u think it'd make a cooler argument
First, read a sociology book other than Pinker, please. His data is wholly spurious.
Bro you think you're a centrist but you're just someone who can't read court reports
Trans teenagers face overwhelming stigma that causes their death. You don't know any teenagers.
Read the post you’re replying to again hon. Wikipedia’s authors are American.
1: legal statutes do not determine what terms people are allowed to use in casual speech
Game of Thrones: “tradition and social inertia is impossible to overcome, and no one person can change a society”
Daenerys burned everyone who ever crossed her. That she continued to do so after she gained power isn’t her being corrupted or changed. The only change is perceptual - that white feminists mistook her for some sort of messiah, and then were proven wrong.
Is their best strategy really hoping that she calls one of them racist? That seems weak...
What genre is Legend of Zelda Link To The Past
That’s an insane debate and it’s insane to cover it. What do you think genres are, like do you imagine some sort of objective test? Do you think they do?
Have you gone insane like all other gamers seem to?
Deficits aren't debts, they don't matter
Ok three problems with that.
Daphne Dorman is a dead girl who quite possibly died because Dave was horrible to and about her.
There’s a causal link between prejudice against trans people and trans people dying, and it is not caused solely by direct exposure; prejudice also increases hostile behaviours. Bigots cannot be kept frombbecoming more violent by warning them it will happen.
U were raised in the patriarchy dingus
You pulled a punch here.
It’s operated since the 1870s. This is not a poky American museum - its one of the major tourist attractions in the country.