
Because there are enemies you are ignoring who will require a whole team to beat. Like me.

If half your team is unnecessary you have a terrible team, if you want challenge why not try fighting an opponent who is capable like a player rather than the AI that’s so bad you can beat it with three pokemon out of a terrible team.

It won the e3 critics award that year, debuted to universal acclaim according to metacritic, is the seventh best n64 seller of all time, and I don’t think a single notable reviewer gave it less than 7/10. You are severely overstating the criticism!

Modern conservatives use “treason” bc “unamerican activities” became poison after Mccarthy, but they use the exact same definitions

1: you’re demanding that those who are hurt by racial abuse fix it

I’ve been checking in on the issue for at least half a decade now and this is a stellar example of a UBI proposal that would in fact not be U or BI.

18 and a half minutes 

That’s not his assertion - it only looks that way because, as a science fan, you assume people see the world through statements that claim facts.

U know “psychiatrist” is the equivalent of “GP” right? They’re generally not experts in any specific field, except for diagnostic areas, and even a psychologist specialising in child development couldn’t give you a really trustworthy opinion bc child development is incredibly complicated and judgements of “maturity”

You might not be getting why bowsette was popular here (it's not bc she's an evil princess it's bc everyone correctly gendered her) 

The true nowhere man a funhouse mirror that reflects nothing 

Imagine that one day you find out with absolute certainty that (as cannibals kind of report) human meat tastes exactly like pork. Nobody else knows, but you are absolutely certain. 

Note that while LOTR is broadly optimistic, the tone of events in the Silmarillion is not always - the end of the Two Trees and the refusal of anyone to ever relinquish the Silmarils to rebirth them has more in common with the fall of the Nine than with Frodo’s story, covetousness and mistrust ruin Arda literally

Ur privileging the experience you imagine for a hypothetical white dude over the ones people actually report having but sure you understand racism, that's why you think white people are genuinely trying to understand 

That's a serf

Military policy on terrorist threats is still based on the idea that personnel are particular targets, which is based on a very limited and outdated idea that people like the fbi expanded beyond

A big problem with this film is that there’s a real chance someone might have to make real sacrifices for what is fundamentally just, you know, kind of ordinary and unimportant. Like we’re messing around in real issues and the grand artistic purpose it fulfils is “wE lIVe In A sOcIeTy”

...because its being remade as a trilogy of games. There's no reason to say "by the way, the term remake doesn't imply frame for frame remake of the original" because that's not how language works. 

Buddy nobody thinks this is going to make people plant Joker Gas under chat show chairs, the question wasn’t even “provoke copycat crimes”. Video games don’tuuniquelyencourage mass shootings in the way Jack Thompson thinks but nobody proposes that they can’t have any effect whatsoever or do things media has been shown

It’s solid, and is a hundred and three kilograms of gold, plus maybe one more for idk ballcock and stuff. Easily manageable between four people. A bit of a struggle between two, but easily doable if they’re in good shape.