
U know “psychiatrist” is the equivalent of “GP” right? They’re generally not experts in any specific field, except for diagnostic areas, and even a psychologist specialising in child development couldn’t give you a really trustworthy opinion bc child development is incredibly complicated and judgements of “maturity”

You might not be getting why bowsette was popular here (it's not bc she's an evil princess it's bc everyone correctly gendered her) 

The true nowhere man a funhouse mirror that reflects nothing 

Imagine that one day you find out with absolute certainty that (as cannibals kind of report) human meat tastes exactly like pork. Nobody else knows, but you are absolutely certain. 

Ur privileging the experience you imagine for a hypothetical white dude over the ones people actually report having but sure you understand racism, that's why you think white people are genuinely trying to understand 

That's a serf

...because its being remade as a trilogy of games. There's no reason to say "by the way, the term remake doesn't imply frame for frame remake of the original" because that's not how language works. 

It’s solid, and is a hundred and three kilograms of gold, plus maybe one more for idk ballcock and stuff. Easily manageable between four people. A bit of a struggle between two, but easily doable if they’re in good shape.

There’s some “model minority” stuff from the left - a kind of idea that as a “relatively privileged” immigrant from a “successful minority”, she has a greater burden of responsibility not to harm the cause. I want to be clear I reject this framing on like, every possible ground, but I am reporting it

I don’t see it being useful as a criticism as such but this is actually exactly the information I have been looking for - I do not like borderlands 1 or 2, but I should - rpgs, loot shooters, diablo etc are always mentioned as their contemporaries, and I like all those things.

Buddy exclusivity isn’t a fucking technical term

“account security” is nonsense, valve don’t have unique access to security code of any kind, there isn't room for there to be a difference. 

Wait what?

Free to start is in fact the exact opposite of free to play, and Nintendo are right to acknowledge that. Free to start means "you cannot play this without microtransactions". Did you miss the last ten years in the industry, when literally everyone got angry about people saying "free to play" when they meant "can't be

The same thing leads people to hate the conclusion of game of thrones - but the fantasy doesn’t believe you can just, change society bc it makes you uncomfortable, it says that society resists, that institutions fight back with all their power. That’s not a flaw - showing you the miseries of colonialism and allowing

There are no popular abolitionists in history 

“there’s a great deal of advantage to placating all parties”

Her current net worth is 150 million and she’s been too busy raising her kids to be public for years. 

He asked for people to... Was it hate Courtney unreasonably? Was that what he wrote? I forget 

This just in: woody Allen holds men accountable for their crimes and arrested himself three decades ago.