Love that Symmetra skin, also glad it will finally put end to the discusion if that arm was really a prosthesis.
Love that Symmetra skin, also glad it will finally put end to the discusion if that arm was really a prosthesis.
Reinhardt, Winston, and Brigette don’t have to aim either. Don’t be a jerk.
Especially ironic since his whole manifesto is about how people similar to himself are obviously better programmers. But of course since he’s a man, that must be purely logical and unemotional reasoning. *eyerolls so hard she sprains an eyelid*
feeling [emphasis: mine] another’s pain—causes us to focus on anecdotes, favor individuals similar to us, and harbor other irrational and dangerous biases.
Wendy’s didn’t want to pay workers so they exported the jobs to Mexico. That’s a globalist move that cost Americans their jobs.
I was having a pretty good day today. I’d aborted over a dozen babies, I’d gotten a couple of conservative co-workers fired for “hate speech”, and so for lunch I decided to visit Wendy’s. Not to purchase any food—like my fellow elites I only eat artisan kale salads prepared by women in hijabs— but rather to mock the…
Ooh! Great idea!
People with addictive tendencies tend to get addicted to things they enjoy. Who knew?
Classifying gaming as an “addictive behavior,” the WHO explains that gaming disorder...
So threatening and trying to get the player banned because you didn’t get your way this one time is a better alternative.
Okay so if some one is a one-trick to that level, then what’s the problem? They’re more than likely good enough to make up the character’s shortcomings and can probably play that character more diversely (Torb and Sym get a lot of flack it seems, but they’re both very flexible unlike most pure DPS characters like…
Thats why I prefer to play Battleborn.
It’s the problem with a firm belief in what MUST be a meta. I love DOTA, I’ve played it since the days of WC3 and allstars, and people become rabid if you don’t follow what they think SHOULD be. The irony is that they praise and lose their minds over pros who break be meta and are successful in doing so.
Did you read the article at all? Do you not spend your time thinking about things? Have you ever given thought to things that others might consider a waste of time?
He used the word ‘anxiety’ ONCE and in the English language, that’s a colloquial term — not a word reserved exclusively for psycholigcal conditions.
I mean I guess it’s fine, but what about the original case that wasn’t a callback?
Man I’m having the same problem. I really want to like Nioh but something about having to learn another, very different cryptic and challenging game I just can’t seem to get into. Dark Souls feels so familiar at this point and Nioh feels so needlessly complex and obtuse in comparison.
Speaking of weird insecurities, here you are angrily questioning the masculinity of a stranger because he wants to play a game on easy mode.
It seems clear to me that his point isn’t “I was so offended and hurt by this game insulting me”, but that the difficulty menu doesn’t really fit with the game’s tone and that it discourages playing the game at a difficulty level that he (and presumably others) found more enjoyable.
Agreed! People shouldn’t be put down because they just want to play a game on easy to experience to story or feel like a badass.