
Thanks for the post NFL crony #275, and it is fitting your reply has absolutely nothing to do with the article above, but is just here to justify the NFL’s terrible actions.


Well Maroon 5 is playing, so I would say we are here.

Tossle more hair Fallon. You are the worst

I really love those Orico credit card commercials, and am so happy to see someone cosplay it!

Arent you a blast! So can we expect your level of fun at any NYE parties?

I like the sequel actually. We watched to see if it was all a misplaced like, but no, still good. A completely random sequel just really works sometimes.


I also say kudos to the troll message.

Yeah, Lifehacker is now, "Things you should already know by the time your an adult." Or "We hooked you with this entiscing title, but be prepared to be underwhelmed by get the most basic of information."

Sweet Jesus, this is the hottest take of the year. Though as with anything this perfect, I believe it to be fake.

How would I know that this is, “clearly your profile picture”? Who puts their actual picture in their profile other than perhaps the writer of the article?

So I must ask you and everyone that starred your comment.

You both are truly the defenders that no-one asked for or needed

MLS supporters are the worst

I found that last Thrawn book to be terribad. I had enough of Padme and Ani from the movies.

Huh, so you are a totally repressed child of indeterminate age?

Huh, guess I am wrong. You are clearly like 8. Or having read your other replies above, you are an incredibly repressed adult male. Either way, good luck with that.

Are you 12?

No one is up in arms about it, nor is there a complaint about a break of reality. The new Fallout game has brought a change which the other games didn’t have and this change brings a layer which isn’t necessary. The author points out why this change has been made, but that said change is silly and just complicates