I bet he sits down when he pees. Such a typical progressive hipter.
I bet he sits down when he pees. Such a typical progressive hipter.
Have you ever called a progressive a racist? It’s like throwing wet dogshit in their face. They can’t handle it. So now they go out of there way to signal to everyone how not racist they are. It’s funny. A black man can take a shit on the plate of food a progressive is eating, and the stupid hipster will thank him for…
This is what happens when one side of the aisle plays the race card for a decade. What did you expect?
He is black. You are on Jezebel. They are signaling to everyone how not racist they are. It is fucking stupid and one of the many reasons modern progressives are insufferable.
He’s black.
Get a fucking grip and quit your bitching. You are such a baby. It’s time to grow up.
No shit. What happened to Jezebel? Fuck this place. 2016 sucks.
Bullshit. One of the big reasons she lost was because of all the celebrity endorsements. Progressives eat that shit up, because they are dumb. The rest of the country understands how out of touch Hollywood is with the rest of society.
Authoritarian worship on this site is too much.
I am convinced you are a troll account created to make progressives look stupid.