
Ditto on the premise not interesting me and wanting so much to see her. My baser instincts took over and brought me around because of Shahi. So glad Taraji was still on the show so that I could watch her, too.
Yes massive girl crush trumps all. But I am still watching and *that* is all due to Amy. Really, she keeps me

During Taraji's monologue on SNL, she did in fact shout out that after 20 years finally, White America knows who she is
Preach it, sister!. When I first saw her in Benjamin Button, I knew she was special. the real Taraji, for sure!

Thanks. I watch on line the next day and don't see the previews.

Harper just doesn't have that certain something. She *is* smug and annoying and she's very "what's in it for me?". I have no sympathy/empathy for her. She may indeed grow on me if they deem her cast worthy, but right now, No,no, a thousand times, no!

Actors can name their kids whatever they want and Violet and Knox aren't that unusual but I guarantee baby V is going to hate her name. Given that Sarah herself picked her own name because kids made mad fun of her as a kid. Just sayin'. Maybe she'll love it.
And yeah, Root was severely missed by me and I was at least

Observation: the head shaved lesbian "Chicken" in Hakeem's crew is played by Raven's gf AzMarie. Hmmmm.

Isn't it possible that Shaw really does swallow the Samaritan Kool Aid and begins a never ending battle for truth, justice and the Samaritan Way?