
What an utter garbage take from a partisan hack.

Well, it finally had to happen. Pete Davidson did something sane. Who are these scolds butting into people’s choices of pets? People want young puppies who can be trained and should share a long life with their kids. They usually don’t want an old, sick, abused, abandoned dog. If someone does, bless them. But most

You know hoe the Left always whines that people need characters who “look like them” for representation? Well, that works both ways. There is NO ONE in China or South Korea who identifies with black characters, so why should they want to see this? They do tend to identify with white culture, but they have zero

Just in time to completely prove the point of the Marvel VP that Gawkmodo just spent so much time vilifying. Just flushing money and ink down the toilet publishing the Left equivalent of a Chick Tract.