
I'm with you on exiling Goldsmith, but I urge Hollywood to throw in Bob Orci and the rest of the Bad Robot mob while they're at it.

That's typical. What, the entire mainstream media isn't good enough for you. How simple it must be to be a liberal, when all you have to do is avoid AM radio and one cable news channel to maintain your safe space.

"Protests". I think you misspelled "lawless tantrums". 'Member how smug you leftists all were about accepting "peaceful transition of power"? I 'member. Clearly you don't.

This was a terrible, vulgar episode. "Charlie Work" has been the masterpiece of this season. Every episode since has been poo-poo and pee-pee jokes in comparison. yet you keep grading everything a "B". Ridiculous.

The fact that they had to pad "bewitchin' Pool" so much makes me think something major was lost. Like maybe a final scene of Mom and Dad wailing over the kids' bodies they had just pulled from the pool…