
…Maybe. But he's Rip Hunter, Time Traveller (Who Is Totally Not Dr.Who, Even A Little Bit). Maybe he'll act differently as the show progresses and the time becomes propitious. I just thought it was interesting that though we've seen Rip's son, we haven't seen his wife yet. Maybe the writers were just being cheap, but

Anyone else think that Sara is going to turn out to have been Rip's wife and the mother of his son in at least some future timelines?

I'd always thought that was, "Skrull and Boneheads." Thanks for the correction.

To be fair, I doubt anyone could sell a line like that except Steve Martin in something like Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid.

Use capital letters more.

She does sound kind of Batman-y though, in that last exchange with officer Cortes. Not ludicrous Christian Bale Batman, more ,certain of her moral ground and still pretty badass.

Yeaah, I'm not feelin' it. I imagined Meemaw as leaner; more wiry and flintier, somehow.

They had footage of a goat eating vomit in the pilot. That is where the show lost me.
Actually, " a goat, eating vomit" works as a metaphor for the relationship between bad television and it's viewers. Maybe I missed something, there.

The computer stuff reminded me of the "hackers" (i.e. Gandalf-level magicians) blowing shit up and doing other stupid crap on that Die Hard with Tim Olyphant.

My god, Noreen DeWulf could have walked out of one of Charlie Sheen's Anger Management sessions. Does she play any other characters?

Damn straight. You used to be able to take a gal out to the soda fountain for a phosphate then go on to the pitcher palace to catch a talkie and still have change left over from a dollar too, goshdarn it.

Where the hell was he hiding that second bottle? I laughed out loud when he produced it.

Kind of like a Black Lotus vision from the Conan universe? Like the one that conveniently ( and in some really terrific prose) dreamsplains the entire backstory of the "pinioned demon" in Queen of the Black Coast?

Hacker Felicity was so close to Niel Gaimen's Death character from Sandman that I initially thought that's who she was.

And Ryan Reynolds. It's as though he knows Deadpool is in his future and this movie is a practice run for it.

"…if you didn’t know it was Tate Donovan the second you clapped eyes on him…"

I'm not actually sure what guacamole is.
It sounds like a remote village inhabited by kindly rustics who live close to the land in some fantasy quest adventure, to me.

Leviticus 19:28

The kids aren't insane; they're typically self-centred adolescents being made to feel " deep and interesting" by Dean's indulging their fatuous nonsense.

That's ah… 179d, I think. I'd have to check, though; it could be relative ejaculates dying prematurely.