
These advice columnists have a database of prepared answers. They categorise the questions, cross reference against the answer list and then it's like, "Premature ejaculation? Run 15a. Dead relative? Yeah, that's 22 f. "
What? You think they care?

Drunk? No. Bored? Hell, yes. The confrontation on Mulder's porch was excruciating.

Doesn't "My Struggle" translate as, "Mein Kampf"?

Nice work on Cooper Barrett, Amelie. I'd rate it as "tolerable."

That scene's the point when I threw my hands up and stopped watching.
First that stupid McConaughey chest thump and then the locker room "Fuck yeah! Awesome!!" nonsense.

He wasn't French, either. He was a Corsican.
They are people you don't want to fuck with.

This is on the brink of parody it's so overblown. Or maybe that's deliberate? The dialogue is ludicrous to the point where I'm almost convinced you're supposed to be laughing at it.

European? I'm British, not European. Europe's full of damn foreigners.

That's true, old top, but my point was that a place has to be pretty damn shitty to become a synonym for hellhole thousands of miles away.

I'm from England, and even here Detroit is a byword for crime, urban decay and bureaucratic corruption and incompetence on a massive scale.

Oh shit, are they going with that crap?
* Haaah* This is where I can get all indignant on behalf of Kipling and the noble, good hearted character Kaa is in the books and bewail the fatuous, drooling stupidity of Disney's version (An Orang-Utan? In India?), or I can just go have a drink and then not see the movie.

I'd forgotten how truly dreadful that kid was.
Mannequin Skywalker, indeed.

You're right. She explains her own pilot.

So you tried logic and reasoned argument against bug-eyed evangelical certainty?


Yes, I read the reviews. They were the reason I started watching Mom. I didn't realise (naively, I suppose) that reviewing something depended on numerous comments. Isn't there some clever device that simply registers how many people visit a page on a website, even if they don't comment?

I'm not American. I live in England, which Google showed me has already become infested with Chipotle; just not to the near-terminal levels of the U.S.

"…lose a few minutes."

I abandoned Lost some time in season 3, although I watched a couple of later episodes (an atomic bomb may have been involved? I forget. I'd really lost the energy to care by then.)
By then, I'd assumed it was basically a reworking of Philip Jose Farmer's Riverworld idea : a bunch of people reincarnated in an artificial

I've just watched the first four episodes, and I am on board.
Above everything, I love the look of the show ; the handsome cast, the costumes, the beautiful, slightly oversaturated but carefully orchestrated colours, the shafts of light, the odd lens flare - the fact that no one ever gets all that dirty, except in an