
TBBT continues chugging along and yet you continue to ignore Mom, a vastly superior show.

You're right.

"Interesting interaction" and "blocked from twitter page" suggest something juicy.

You… *grits teeth* …may have a point.

"Posts" are your penis, right?

*Wordlessly waves brown coat. Turns away weeping*

Firefly, "just okay"?

*Nods, hangs head in shamed admisson*

Don't play with my feelings like that.

Hell no you wouldn't.
There's the real world, "not my type" and there's, "fantasy person who is unfeasibly gorgeous, yet I don't find quite as alluring as this other unfeasibly gorgeous fantasy person, not my type."

Wait; I thought Clyde was an Orang-Utan.

I had to Google "Chipotle", but okay, point taken.

Yes. It's as though the writers abandoned any chance to create an interesting secondary character in order to make some cheap short term gags.

"vocal ululations"

"Dung coffee. "
Yeah; I've heard of Kopi Luwak (aka weasel shit coffee - apparantly the enzymes in the weasel's digestive tract give the coffee a unique flavour) but elephant shit coffee is a new one on me.

So the fact that he came across as fake, manipulative and profoundly creepy was a miscalculation on someone's part?

Humvee porn?

I quit watching as soon as I realised what I really wanted was to hunt down and kill Zooey Deschanel's character.
And I'm talking kill avec peine fort et dure.

"…I’m still left wondering why MTV didn’t start by adapting The Sword Of Shannara, which has a much less convoluted plot."

This is an excellent point and one which I wll bring up with vigour the next time an older relative, otherwise beloved, starts griping about split second shots of darker skinned denizens of Laketown.