
What is it with all the lists? Do people really like them, or is it just laziness?

So your friend bums weed off of other people and then complains about the quality?

Are you sure you're not mixing that up with the Blind Hedgehog School of Edinburgh's famous "Bag Interior" series of paintings and found object sculptures, finished just before the start of hostilities in 1914?

He certainly seems to qualify as a revoltin' development.

So many damn lists. I feel listless-and wish I were listless, too.

Uhhh, The Carmichael Show may change your mind about that.

You make some good points. The reviewer just came off as so fucking smug it kind of got my goat.
Still, if someone like me, whose whole educational background is solidly humanities based can grasp the fundamental difference between faith and evidence based assumptions about the world, it shouldn't be that hard to

Not Michael Mann?

I think that movie was the product of a confederacy of dunces, to borrow a phrase.

Ah, but see, we just learned he was actually snowboarding, so that totally means it was realistic, because snowboards are like, way radder than skis.

Amanda Peet is over forty?
Holy shit.

I'll catch it on Blu-Ray. Most likely one evening at a friends house when I'm dog-sitting. (They're Labradors; they'll probably love it.)

Agreed. That banged up ,lived in quality of the sets and props is one of the (many) reasons I like Blade Runner and the first Alien movie as well.

Just… go with it.
Answering questions like that makes for really boring story telling.

"it’s that the ending doesn’t do as great a job as I would’ve liked bringing everything that came before it together."

Whoever he plays, it's going to shake the pillars of heaven.

Wrong title.

What really bugged me about this is, you have an obviously global threat developing, with J'onn Jonzz' personal knowledge and they leave it in the hands of a single inexperienced Kryptonian? C'mon ; they'd bench Kara and call the Justice League who'd wrap the whole thing up before an early lunch.

A sadist, according to my Little Dictionary of Depravity, is one who enjoys inflicting pain on others (named for the infamous Marquis De Sade, who it turns out, isn't just one of Darkseid's henchmen.)
A masochist, from Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch (who wrote Venus in Furs, which first explored the idea) on the other hand,

Surely you mean the masochist in you?
A sadist would record it and play it to some one else.