
"Dancer's frame"

And we would have been denied that spectacular rear view as she ran toward the water.

Unless the story also features a charming, rascally Ent ( possibly of a Castillian background) having a series of satirical adventures.

Maybe. She still looks like a strategically shaved Nibelung pressed into the role of Irma La Douce, though.

Oh, please. Tedious anti Chuck Lorre statements are as annoying as your ironic mustache, especially when they are as clearly the result of peer pressure.

Well, okay. The fact that her neck, her bust and her waist have a discrepency of about a centimetre and that she's painted like Ronald Mac Donald is immaterial to you.You know what you like and I respect that.

"overeating rarely is the cause of obesity in America"

Watch Mom and then come back and be snarky.

Viewed from a certain perspective (or, watching the show with anything more than the lizard parts of your brain), that "Charlie Sheen therapy show" was one man's thinly disguised, enabled descent into madness.

Why? What is it about a fireplug with boobs and too much lipstick you find so alluring?

Yeah, no; you really haven't.

I watched the first three seasons and really enjoyed them. As soon as the focus of the show became Molly's character, rather than the ensemble piece it had been, it magically turned to shit.

One might even say overburdened with them. You Yanks need to start laying off the second helpings.

I get the feeling his parent's death are going to fuel his rage and increase his abilities and we're going to see a Luke/Vader showdown between Ezra and Seventh Sister and the, uh, the big guy in the flat hat. He's going to be on the brink of destroying them and is going to have to make a choice about which path he

Finding Fargo depressing in a blackly humerous way is pretty much the mission statement of the show, I think.

"Chose"? You mean, "choose", don't you.

Yeah, without meaning to be snarky (qui, moi?) I think Oliver Sava would be happier if SHIELD featured a lot more brightly lit, colourful musical numbers interposed with vignettes of various characters having deep conversations about their feelings.

How about, "Mack has been is a far more featured"

Disputed. Many regard Camus as an Existentialist.
(I love the definition in my Dictionary of Philosophy, which begins, "Existentialism is a discipline so broad as to defy definition.")

Yes! I just read Camus' (translated) Myth of Sisyphus, partially because of Fargo, and immediately the whole show fell into place for me.