
When you learn to write coherent English I won't need to correct your typos, now will I?

Cool. Thanks for sharing.

Reasons to be cheerful this week: Ravi' s face when Liv walks out of.. whatever backroom she was in, in Obvious Superhero Mode. She hadn't said a word, but it is hilariously obvious he knew. He didn't even need to make the spice rack remark.


*sinister voice*
How do we know Cisco isn't already insane like Batman?

"…was inexplicably carried over to the movies."

"Well I'll be damned."

Cisco is a smart, calculating guy, which is easy to forget when all one remembers are his tonsorial choices. When someone has abilities like Barry's it makes sense to figure out ways to stop him, should the need arise. In that way, Cisco is kind of like Batman.

"It's a little joke, I guess."

Wentworth Miller and Mark Hamill in the same episode. Damn, that's a lot of ham to digest right before Christmas.

It was something to do with reversing the polarities on the deflector array as near as I recall.

She's not unfazed so much as at one remove from everything. As though no one and nothing else are quite real and none of her responses are actually set within normal human calibrations. And the determination is mostly just selfishness, probably because she has trouble accepting that everyone else is as real as she

Astonishing. I don't think I've ever found Sylvia's Mother moving, before. For that minor miracle alone this episode rates an A.

I kept thinking that about Hanzee: that he's borderline supernatural like Chigurh. Like an avatar of Fate or Death or the implacable power of entropy.

Maybe they'll do a story set in two time periods; the early '90's, say and the present day and we'll get to see Wilson and Carradine play Lou.

"but Steve Rogers was my “in” to a whole new way of understanding heroism."

The word rang a bell, so I looked it up. The definitions of cozener include:

Yeah, but the whole "turns out I'm super smart" thing at the end sounded like a cop-out on the part of the writers. I confess, I don't like the character. I realise her whole unwonted arrogence about herself is supposed to be funny, but it just annoys me to see someone so delusional about themselves. She is like the

"… a bit more intimate than even friends in Sweden, or any European nation, would go."

Yeah, that one barely ruffled my hair it was so far over my head.