
Gina's attitude really irked me. People, especially smug ignoramuses, with no intellectual curiosity bring out my inner Beast Boyle.
De Grasse Tyson's humungous squat was hilarious. He bottomed out, too. Probably on account of physics.

Chandler : overly wordy? Bite your tongue young human.
I agree about Altered Carbon, though. There was a rumour it had been optioned as a movie; although based on recent events, a Netflix mini series might do it more justice.

Uhhh, thanks. That's pretty disturbing.
I know ; I asked for it, and now I can't un see it. Studio Canal have blocked the 2013 version, for which I'm actually a little relieved.
I can't imagine that the porn parody could be much worse than the original, but I think I need to brace myself first.

"Why can't he be Superman?"

This Macbeth is something I really want to see,especially for Marion Cotillard. English is not her first language, and the fact that she can be so nuanced and expressive in what is essentially a foreign tongue is really (really) impressive.

Oh, please. I'm fifty*ahemsomthing* and when I was thirty I could drink all day, dance all night and still go and do a productive days work afterwards.
Kids these days; I dunno.

Does it keep you awake? I tend to drink a bottle or so of wine on a Friday, and I find I'm staying up until three or four in the morning. I'd assumed because, being basically grape juice, it's like a health drink and so I'm full of healthful energy, but it's possible that's denial on my part.

Throw on a big ol' overcoat. You'll look like a flasher, or The Hitcher, depending on height, blondeness and general demeanour, but people won't really care.

Apart from Goldfinger, From Russia With Love and Casino Royale (the Daniel Craig version, not the David Niven/Woody Allen travesty), all sensible people are bored silly by Bond films.

"…considering the Tory form for illicit sexual activity, is a vile hypocrisy…"

Who else hears Sid James' voice when they think about that line?

Yeahh; I just watched the 1987 Evil Dead, and I'm buggered if I remember a "tree rape" sequence -and I think I would, despite not being the world's most attentive viewer ( I still get laughed at for my stunned realisation about half way through Return of the Jedi that Darth Vader was Luke's father).
Is this part of

Is that true? Holy shit; here I am labouring under the iron heel of a ruthless, puritanically (one might almost say desperately self-denying)
inclined despotism and I wasn't even aware.
What reasons did they give for such an (apparently) arbitrary ban? Is it a public safety issue? I mean, face sitting, sure. You can

Yeah; what are those "5 areas", exactly? I mean, your pits and , uh, bathing suit area, sure. But that's only three.

I've been thinking about this and what I'm really going to miss about him is his voice. It's a beautifully modulated, soothing baritone that makes even his batshit crazy pronunciations sound _at least superficially_ reasonable.
He's like Saruman : beware his voice.

Okay, given : "genius" is a stretch. Still, they were energetic and happening enough to convince others that their ludicrous pet projects had in them the seeds of greatness. That in itself makes them exceptional.

I agree; but the cool thing about Westerns is how malleable they are as a story format. Damn near any other genre movie can become a Western, with some judicious window dressing. Maybe it's because they are the O.G. of genre cinema. Hell, they almost pre-date porn!

The thing is, though, geniuses have a way of disappearing up those fundaments in a way far more entertaining than your average self involved jackass. Take my brother's girlfriend (please, take her far away), who can bore for hours about auras and her peculiar sensitivity to all manner of irrational drivel without ever

Had me a minor John Carpenter retrospective; watched The Fog, Big Trouble in Little China and Prince of Darkness over the last couple of days.
The two horrors hold up well; he's brilliant at developing an atmosphere of growing menace, even though neither of them really pay off effectively. Also, he seems to like to

Jesus. In my naivete, I thought "aged out" meant she was too young. I now realise it meant the exact opposite. So, thanks for that, I guess. Excuse me, I have to go bleach my brain, now.