
Cad Bane sounds like a spoonerism for Bad Cane, which sounds like sub par sugar, which doesn't sound awesome so much as mildly disappointing.

"…the catchphrase philosophy of her whole addlepated era"

I guess Klingon is no longer the nerdiest made up language out there.

I always thought exec. producer was code for, "justification to pay more money."
They don't do anything except get paid, as far as I can see.

The little girl is just insanely cute.
She'll probably turn out to be being played by triplets with the aid of clever lighting, but she steals every scene she's in right now.

…I see what you did, there.

Yes; he's obviously eating all the pies in between scenes on Castle.

"Will Simpson looks to be some kind of super soldier…"

Well, I consider myself to be from Cheshire, even though I was born in Luton *winces in shame at being associated with such a scum pit * and lack the Wirral accent.

He is? Really?

Is this based on a novel called, Leviathan Wakes, by James Corey?
If so; I'm interested. It was a pretty good read.

"…it would have been amazing to watch Watson knock out the competition."

I really don't see why just recasting Superman for the T.V. show is a problem. We've already seen Earth-2 on The Flash. Who knows which Earth this Kara Zor-El is helping protect?

Yes: the curious incident of the dog in the night time, in Silver Blaze.
Inspector Gregory (!) remarks that the dog did nothing; which, of course, was the curious incident.

Not necessarily. He may have been putting it about elsewhere, and just been happy with a quid pro quo. I didn't get the feeling her infidelity was a source of… erotic fulfillment for him. He was just pissed they hadn't locked the door.

"Nah, it stayed a hat and no, I didn't chase it. Nothing more foolish than a man chasin' his hat."

Plus, the song playing while Milligan is waiting for the Undertaker is from O Brother Where Art Thou?, and Simone's walk in the woods was a reference to Miller's Crossing. The writers are obviously big fans of the Cohen's entire ouevre.

I think breaking the cast was also a symbolic act, a kind a' "breaking the shackles" type of deal.
And how reminiscent of Miller's Crossing was that walk in the woods and Simone's plea?

"…the music is full of unexpected song choices"

For the record, I totally agree with Stamos: what kind of creep murders a tree to make a fucking canoe?