
Holy crap, is that Celeborn with a really bad haircut doing the most ludicrous Suthern accent this side of Kenneth Branagh in Wild Wild West?

I've never seen anyone chew gum passive-agressively, before.
Holt must be a tough guy to be in a relationship with.

"Do you want to hold her?"

About right. The other guy is so rapt in the contemplation of his own navel he's unaware of sarcasm anyway.

I thought it worked. He's like a boxer, or a football player in the off season; big, but not cut because he's let his diet go a little bit. And he's not like Daredevil, who gets a workout just moving around the city and probably can't eat enough to stay ahead of his calorie deficit.

We await your upcoming judgement with bated breath.

I thought she said, "a dozen." Still rather unusual (although there are twins working for Babbel.com who speak nine languages), but you'd assume English was one of the number; otherwise she'd have added, "plus English".
Then again, according to Google, there's a man called Ziad Fazah who speaks 56 languages fluently.

They reminded me of a product called the "legg shoe" that a bodybuilder called Boyer Coe (known for his impressive calf development and weird abdominals)
was trying to sell back in the 'seventies. The idea was that the raised front portion of the sole would stress the calves in a good way that totally didn't lead to

What the fuck is a "sub truth?" Does he mean a lie, and is just being cute about it, or is this some bizarrarie from the Sheenverse that only he fully understands?

I learned that long ago; watching the cunnilingus episode of Sex and the City with my mum.

So, a power cut in an upcoming episode could prove problematic for Major, then.

Also, "Hurrumph, bah and humbug."

Zadak needs to go into the clergy.

Well, of course. He's getting his first look at the Salmon Ladder King. Even with his shirt on, Ollie's an unusually handsome man.

When Hera was test flying the new ship, did anyone else notice how much like the Rocketeer soundtrack the music was?

Naw; he's Zoom, hadn't you heard? He's gone off to plot villainy somewheres.

Yes; he mentioned his husband to Felicity one of the first times we saw him.

You have no measurable sense of humour?

C+? "Dull showdown"?

"We talked about emotions for twenty minutes."