
The show is about chaos, and about the way in which, whatever system of order or control we try to impose on it, chaos always breaks out. Doesn't matter if we are a judge trying to control a situation with some idiot in a diner, or the idiot himself, or the wife of a cop or the head of a crime family. Chaos breaks

Bordeau? Ohh, you mean Bordeaux, as any real oenophile would know.

Abbie and Ichabod work best as a kind of Modesty Blaise/Willie Garvin partnership. Despite not being romantically involved, they are mutual Significant Others, and all other relationships are ultimately secondary.

I don't know Fitzgerald Grant from a hole in the ground, but no, I don't blame him for falling for her.

Don't watch the show. At all. But, if the woman featured in the photo at the top of the post is a regular cast member, then I might just start.

Loved John Noble's appearance at the end of the episode.

We get it; you're too busy grooming your ironic mustachio and generally being hip to enjoy such banal crowd pleasing pablum as this. If we act like we're impressed, will you go away?

"Sheldon shrugs it off as if he’s passed it…"

You're right.The more I think about this, the more it worries me. Presumably, Simmons was fully debriefed on her return, so everyone important knows that there's some poor bastard stranded on a terrifying alien world that gets about an hour of sunlight once every couple decades (and exactly how does that work, by the

Hunter is fucking terrifying. He suggests, quite seriously, leaving a person stranded alone on an alien planet because it could interfere with some trite romantic ambition, when any normal human capable of empathy and with a functioning moral compass would see immediately what the right thing to do is. He's a

"It’s a potent metaphor for pointlessness…"
Alternatively, it's an illustration of long term, gainful employment, with a real sense of achievement at the end of the day, and the security of knowing there'll always be a job for you in the morning.

In the clip, Bardem looks like he's stepped out of some bizarre, alt-universe sketch where he was parodying Andrew Dice Clay. (I know, how do you parody ADC? It's like parodying Frank Miller. The guy himself will always do a better job. But still.)

Well we could, but let's not.

Oh, so we're still acknowledging the existence of BBT then? The A.V.'s total lack of respose to the new season made me think the entire editorial staff was being blackmailed by hipsters in an effort to pretend it did not, and perhaps never had, existed.

Me, too. I used to think it was really entertaining, slick television. Conceptually empty, sure, but entertaining. Then Castle superseded it as the same kind of empty calorie entertainment, and then that turned into something your granny watches as well.
Now I watch Arrow and Flash, but who knows how long that'll

Yeah, but, that's Brennan. Her raison d'etre is innapropriate. See, she's brilliant, but socially inept, like ohh, every other crime solving maverick genius on television.

I want to see them as The Fantastic Four and Silver Surfer.

Except, Simmons says right after arriving on Ego that the gravity is slightly higher than Earth's. Would that affect the gun?

Well golly and indeed gee whizz, that was a lot of fun.
Gosh, I sure hope we get to see some of those cool old style superpowers like super hypnotism and super ventriloquism in upcoming episodes.

I saw the original Star Wars on its first cinema release.