
Actually, I d… oh, wait ; I'm looking at the "valid from" date.
Never mind, as you were.

Did anyone else notice that Malcom Merlin quotes from The Search For Spock when he's first asked to restore Sarah?

Diane is awesome. When she grows up, she'll either be President or a supervillain. It really could go either way.

They're getting the "coming in drunk (or drinking at home), can't be arsed to change the channel" crowd, evidently.

Y'all should read a comic strip by Marvin Channing and the near-godlike Alex Toth called, "If I were King" about a poor schlub who wishes he could trade lives with a talk show celebrity called King, and lives to regret it.
Be happy with who you are. Everyone else has problems at least as fucked up and depressing as

Stewart is almost certainly a vampire, or a Highlander. Or he took a bath with Ursula Andress sometime back. He was in a version of Hamlet for the BBC, playing Claudius opposite Derek Jacobi and apart from an abbreviated fringe of hair he looks exactly the same as he did in a more recent Hamlet opposite David

During Walter's dream (flashback/whatever) about the Falklands, I got the impression that he went to help Harry instead of doing something else maybe even more important in a commanding officer/needs of the many rather than the few -or the one, kind of way. That what really bothers him is that other people, not as

Maybe he doesn't have that much to do with Daredevil. I've met the guy, and read a number of his comics, as well. He is a clueless tool, with about as much idea of good storytelling as an overdone pot roast.

I think it's Detective Lance. I think he's going to die redemptively, making up for the transgressions he's committed this season.

When I first saw the photo accompanying this review, I thought the guy standing to Jeri Ryan's left was Aaron Stanford as a time-lost Cole, and my whole brain spasmed and began leaking out my ears.
Then I realised my mistake. It's not Cole, and there isn't going to be a 12 Monkeys/ Arrow crossover. A least, not in this

Dre: You wanna have a drink?

Basically a show about self involved assholes giving themselves colonoscopys on air and singing about it?

Apart from the Laurel and Hardy Music Box scene, Celia playing the piano on the truck is a direct reference to Jack Nicholson in Five Easy Pieces

I like the idea that C.Thomas Howell's character was the same guy who took down The Hitcher 30 years ago, then joined the FBI and continued fighting the forces of evil; that he'd recognised Abbie as a kindred spirit and was just ready to bring her fully on board when a fucking demon out of ancient China caught him

Well, yay.

I'd guess/hope the reason we didn't see much of Simmons on the Blue Planet yet is because they're going to start featuring flashbacks a la Arrow on the island, as an ongoing feature.

I'm going Batty, here.

Are you serious?

No, dude, she's right. That shit is upsetting. I can damn near see what you ate for breakfast.

My brother lived in L.A. for many years, and loves to cycle. (He and my sister once cycled the PCH from San Fransisco back to L.A.), but he eventually quit cycling round the city because of how many crappy, stupid and downright homicidal drivers there seem to be. Even the drivers who weren't deliberately targeting