
And me. Thng is, I really don't remember that much about it.
To quote Nicholas Cage, "A lot's happened since then."

That tits out thing was one of the most cynical things I've ever seen. It was butcher's shop window blatant, and about as sexy.

If Berry and the other lawyer spend an episode or two handcuffed together while on the run because of a crime they didn't commit and learn deep lessons about one another, I'm in.

My thought exactly.
Of all the, ah, Arrow heads in Oliver's quiver, if you will, she's the most obviously expendable.

Don't be dissing the Carmichael Show ; getting all highbrow with your " multi-camera laugh track stigma" and don't imply that it's not a confident show. If it gets a longer season, I could see it being easily as good as Black-ish.

"These are simple people. Farmers. The common clay of the new West. You know ; morons."

"Is a home for wery old leddies. Dey tippy-toe in, dey have a little bowl of porridge and zziip."

As a fiftysomething myself, I just can't get over how freakin' good Stamos looks.
I mean, it's not like I'm bald and fat and given to wearing cardigans and slippers, but he looks amazing. What kind of moisturizer does he use?

Cisco hugging Stein after he names the Atom Smasher was the highlight of the episode for me.

So, still pretending Big Bang Theory hasn't started airing?

Naw, as John Byrne has remarked, MOTU is Jack Kirby's New Gods; He-Man is Orion, Skeletor is Darkseid, Skeletor's minions are Para-Demons but with all of Kirby's insane energy and verve removed.

I agree about the Struzan poster, but that up there isn't it. It's Struzan's Skeletor, and it looks like his… annoying Billy Barty character, but that is not his Lundgren. It's the work of an inferior talent.

Well, of course it's a Sauternes glass, captain. You should really lay off the sauce.
Simpleton, indeed.

I found myself comparing this to The Carmichael Show, which also did a "gun" show recently. It hit many of the same beats, too, now that I think of it. Black-ish is pretty good, though I think Carmichael is a little harder edged, but they don't have the twins - or Lawrence Fishburne.
Still, I live in England, where

Be snarky if you want, but Scorpion is a million times more entertaining than fucking Gotham. I realise that both shows are nearly worthless, but it's true.

"Your Welcome", or "You're Welcome"?

Like that Harrison Ford movie? When he plays a lawyer with a really bad haircut? I think his character is called Rusty (unless that was Brian Dennhey).

Just tried to watch this, but fell asleep about twenty minutes in. All that mellow jazz on the soundtrack is like Xanax.

Love this show. It's what I always suspected Captain Picard was really like when he was offscreen.

The old bastard probably used them for target practice in between glasses of Chateau Margaux.